Vegetable Garden Start of Season 2015

Now that the weather is breaking, I started some vegetables indoors from seed. I started Tomatoes, beef steaks and plum, Eggplant, Cucumbers, and Peppers. I always do this and what actually makes it, great! What doesn’t I just go buy at the Farm Market. Hey, at least I tried. I don’t have a lot of extra space inside, wish I did, and trying to find the right sunlight can be a challenge. But I still make the effort. I always feel a great accomplishment when they end up actually growing and producing. And hey, I saved a few bucks too! It cost 1.50 for a pack of seeds that can grow more than you’ll need and costs $3-$5 and higher  for plants, depending on the size


Started from fig cutting

Started from fig cutting

I also took some cutting from my fig tree in February and wrapped them in a damp paper towel and stored in a ziplock. To my surprise, they rooted. Its March 27th and this is what they look like now. Not to shabby hu?




My new venture this year is potatoes. Now, my garden is only 3′ wide. I don’t have enough garden space so I am growing them in a big tall container. They say it can be done so I’ll keep you posted on that one. They are already outside which normally is ok but since I planted them it snowed, of course, and the temperature is below the norm. I keep peekin’ on them to see if any sprouts have come up but nothing yet. Its been about 1 1/2 weeks.

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